Police Department

Thank you for visiting the Village of Steger Police Department’s webpage. The men and women of the police department are proud to serve the citizens of Steger in a professional manner. Our mission statement states that we are “committed to excellence in law enforcement and are dedicated to the people, traditions and diversity of our village. In order to protect life and property, prevent crime, and reduce the fear of crime, we will provide services with understanding, response with compassion, performance with integrity, and professional law enforcement with a vision.”
As Chief, it is my commitment to the citizens of Steger to provide leadership and a strategic plan to ensure the members of the Steger Police Department are in the best possible position to provide professional police services to the citizens with whom we serve and protect.
Steger Police Department – Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Police Department located?
The Police Department is located at 35 W. 34th Street Steger, IL. 60475.
What are the Police Department hours?
The lobby of the Police Department is open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Occasional early evening and weekend hours are available. However, Police service is still available on a 24 hour basis. Whenever the lobby is closed, there is a Call Box/Button located outside of the main entrance that will connect you to our Dispatch Center after hours.
What if I need Police service after business hours?
The Police Department will still respond to all calls for service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In order to receive police service, you can come to the Police Station and use the call box/button located outside the main entrance or dial 911 for a police response to your location.
When should I call 911?
Whenever there is an emergency, lives are in danger, bodily injury, medical condition, crime in progress or any other situation needing immediate attention. If you think about calling 911 or wonder should I call 911, please call 911.
How can I find out about crime statistics in the Village of Steger?
You can access crime statistics at http://www.fbi.gov/chicago.
How do I get a copy of a police report?
The Police Department strictly follows the State of Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). You will need to file an official request in person during business hours, or contact the Village Clerk at (708) 754-3395 ext. 503. There is an approval process per state law, once approved you will be contacted regarding your FOIA request.
How do I get a copy of a crash report?
You can request a copy of a crash report on-line at https://policereports.lexisnexis.com/ or https://ecrash.lexisnexis.com. You can also call Lexis Nexis at 1-866-215-2771.
How can I pay my parking ticket?
There are several ways; Visit the Police Department or the Village Hall during business hours, mail in the payment, appear at the Administrative Hearing date assigned, or pay by credit card by going on-line to www.govpaynow.com and use GPS code 5487 for parking violations.
How do I contest a parking ticket?
Visit the Police Department and request to speak to the Watch Commander. You can also appear at a Administrative Hearing on the date, time and location listed on the citation or by completing the information requested on the reverse side of the citation.
What do I do if my car is towed or seized by the Police Department?
Call or stop into the Police Department and ask to speak with an Officer. There is an Administrative Tow Ordinance/Fee of $500.00 (not including the actual Tow Companies Fee) that needs to be paid before the vehicle will be released to the lawful owner.
Does the Police Department conduct house checks when away on vacation?
Yes, as courtesy police officers will periodically check the exterior of your home while you are away on vacation. To request a “Vacation House Watch” there is a form that needs to be completed. Please visit the Police Department or visit the villages’ website at www.villageofsteger.org and click on the Police Department tab then click on the Vacation House Watch Request.
What are the rules for parking on the street during snow emergencies?
Per village ordinance it is unlawful for vehicles to park on any street within the village upon a accumulation of snow two (2) inches or more.
What can be done about illegal vehicle parking in the Village?
Contact the Police Department Dispatch Center at 708- 754-8121 to report any parked vehicle complaints. Please provide the vehicle description and address of the parked vehicle. An officer will respond and investigate in a timely manner and take the appropriate action necessary.
How do I get a car seat installed or have a car seat checked?
The Steger Police Department now has certified Child Passenger Safety Seat Technicians. Sergeant Maria Bautista and Officer Farkas are specially trained to inspect child car seats and provide tips for correct installation in most automobiles. This service is offered by appointment only and to Village of Steger residents only. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this program by sending an e-mail to :
In the e-mail, please provide your best contact numbers so one of the Officers can contact you to set up an appointment.
Does Steger have a curfew? What are the hours?
Yes, it is unlawful for any person age sixteen (16) years old and younger to be present at, in, or on any public assembly, building, place, street, or highway within the corporate limits of the village unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, at any of the following times:
- 11:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m., Sunday – Thursday
- 12:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday
What can be done about speeding vehicles within the Village?
Police Officers actively patrol the Village and make every effort to take enforcement action whenever possible. However we cannot be everywhere all the time. The Department routinely participates in various traffic enforcement campaigns and utilizes speed signs and mobile trailer as an educational/warning device to warn inattentive motorists so they may adjust their speed accordingly. Should you have a specific complaint or wish to request extra patrol enforcement please email the Deputy Chief at pfajman@villageofsteger.org or call our Dispatch Center at 708- 754-8121.
What can be done about dogs at large or unleashed?
Village Ordinance prohibits dogs or cats from running at large off the property of the owner. If you see a violation of this ordinance, you may contact the Police Department Dispatch Center at (708) 754-8121 to file a complaint. These violations may be investigated by either a Police Officer or a Community Service Officer. The minimum fine for this offense is $25.00 and can range as high as $250.00, depending on the breed of the canine as recognized by the State of Illinois.
What can I do if a Police Officer acts in an unprofessional manner?
Police Department employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally. If you have a complaint that an employee conducted themselves in an inappropriate manner, you can register a complaint by contacting the on-duty Watch Commander. It should be noted, however, that the professional demeanor of a police employee is dictated by the circumstances facing that employee. Police brevity and a lack of expression are often the basis for unfounded complaints of discourteous conduct.
Who do I contact regarding how to become a Police Officer?
The Village of Steger – Board of Fire/Police Commissioners conducts entry level police officer testing approximately every two years. An eligibility list is established through the application and testing process. For application information, please contact the Chief of Police at gsmith@villageofsteger.org or call 708-755-0223.