William J. JoyceVillage Trustee

William J. Joyce, a lifelong Steger resident and youngest son of longtime Steger Fire Chief Elmer Joyce was first elected Village Trustee in April, 2015, served on the Village of Steger’s Economic Development Committee and the Steger Fire Department prior to becoming Village Trustee.
William attended Steger Public schools, Bloom Trail High School class of 1989, Southern Illinois University, Prairie State College and Triton College.
William is Senior Project Manager at National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) in Chicago, member of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 794, and owner of Scratch Masterz.
William is also an Instructor of – American Heart Association – CPR, National Safety Council – Defensive Driving, Illinois Certified Fire Service Instructor I & II, Presenter for Operation Life Saver – Railroad Safety.
In addition to his professional career, William is a member of Steger’s Kiwanis Club, serving multiple times as Club President and Club Vice President & was elected twice Lieutenant Governor of I-I District of Kiwanis International, Winner of the Jim Reed Award (Kiwanis of the Year) Award 2015, President of the Bloom Trail High School Navy Junior ROTC Parent Corps, Sponsor of the Bloom Trail High School Key Club.
William is married to Kimberly and they are the proud parents of two children, William Jr. and Madalyn. William Jr. is attending college and works as a Firefighter EMT for the Village of Crete. Madalyn is attending Bloom Trail High School where she is in the Navy JROTC program.