Steve ThurmondVillage Trustee

Elected Trustee April 2021
- Steger resident 20+ years
- Married to Sheila, father to Cody and Rachel both graduates of District 194 and 206
- Grandfather to Landon
- General Manager for Meredith’s Culligan Water in Broadview, IL
- 30 years in water treatment field
- Attributes in, but not limited to, mechanical, plumbing, welding, electrical, automotive, and business management.
- Best known for volunteering
- Current board president of Roth Park Grove Cottage Association
- Former Cub Scout Pack 173 Den Leader and asst. Cub Master
- Former Bloom Trail T3 parent booster and board member
- Former Bloom Trail NJROTC booster
- Former Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball coach
- Fundraiser/Organizer/Recreation program sports sponsor
- Volunteer Kiwanis in Pancake breakfasts, Christmas baskets, and more
- Member of St. Liborius Church
- Member of Sons of the American Legion post 521
- Proud supporter of Police, Fire , EMA and first responders