Welcome to the Village of Steger!
New Resident Information
Community Events Calendar
Steger is served by Elementary & Middle School District 194 and High School District 206.
School District 194 (“SD194”)
Administration Center; 3753 Park Ave., Steger, IL 60475; 708-755-0022. Contact Administration Center for more information. SD194 is currently under construction and will be completed by 2017.
High School District 206
Bloom Township School District 206; 22331 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago Heights, IL 708-758-7000
There are also several private elementary and high schools in the surrounding areas.
Prairie State Community College (2 yr. college); 202 South Halsted St., Chicago Heights, IL 708-709-3500
Governors State University (4 yr. college); 1 University Parkway, University Park, IL 708-534-5000
South Suburban College, 15800 State Street, South Holland, IL 708-596-2000
Steger/South Chicago Heights Library; 54 East 31st St., Steger, IL 708-755-5040
Local Services
Steger Area Chamber of Commerce: 708- 755-6200.
U.S. Postal Service: 23 W. 34th Street, Steger, IL 708-754-2128
News Outlets
Southland Voice – publishes a weekly periodical covering 15 areas in Eastern Cook & Will Counties.
The Times – Northwest Indiana and local and South Suburban news (official) (@VillageofSteger)
Allied Waste (waste & recycling) (708) 385–8252
AT&T 1-800-CALL-ATT (1-800-226-6288) or click here
Comcast/Xfinity (866) 594-1234
DIRECTV 800-531-5000
DIRECTV Existing Customers click here
DIRECTV online Customer Service click here
ComEd (electricity) 1-800-588-9477
Nicor (gas) 1-888-NICOR4U (642-6748)
Public Transportation
Pace Bus 405 Taft Drive, South Holland, IL 60473; 708-331-9127
Metra (train) 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60661; 312-322-6777
Important Phone Numbers
911 for Emergencies
Police Administration 708-755-0223
Fire/Police Non-Emergency Dispatch: (708) 754-8121
Fire Department 708-754-2625
Public Works 708-755-3888
Public Safety
Steger Police Department; Chief, Kevin Shaughnessy; 35 W. 34th Street; 708-755-0223
Fire Department; Chief, Nowell Fillion; 3320 Lewis Ave., 708-754-2625
Emergency Management Association (“EMA”); Chief, Tom Johnston; 3035 Lewis Ave., 708-709-0110
Tornado Alerts are sounded at 10am on the first Tuesday of every month. The test only lasts a few minutes.
CodeRed is a new emergency notification service by which village officials can notify Steger residents and businesses by telephone, cellular phone, text message, or electronic mail about time-sensitive emergency situations or important community alerts.
Village issued building permits are required. Please note that an inspection for underground utilities is required before digging on any property. Residents must call J.U.L.I.E. before digging for projects such as pools, fences and other excavation. A full list of required permits and licenses can be found here.
Two (2) dogs are allowed per household. Licenses are required for all dogs and all residents must maintain a current county license tag and show proof of rabies inoculation. Licenses can be obtained at Village Hall.
Public Works
Public Works/Building Department 3043 Lewis Ave., 708-755-3888
Infrastructure Director, Dave Toepper
Code Enforcement, Romulus Biris
Electrical Inspector, Mike Recupito
Health Inspector, Dave Toepper
Parking restrictions: Parking is prohibited on any Village street during or after two inches or more of snow. Violators may be ticketed and/or towed.
Water: Residents are billed every 3 months. Bills can be paid at Village Hall or on-line here.
Waste, recycling and grass & leaf pick-up: Allied Waste 708-385-8252. Garbage is picked up weekly; recycling is picked up bi-weekly and grass and leaf pick-up runs spring through fall (check the Public Works page for grass & leaf pick-up info). Contact Allied Waste for toters.
Village Government
The Village of Steger is served by a Village Board composed of six at-large trustees, a Village President and a Village Clerk. Officials are elected to staggered, four-year terms. Visit the Village Hall page for a list of all elected officials. Board meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of every month @ 7pm @ Village Hall and are open to the public. Meeting minutes are available here.
Steger Village Hall, 3320 Lewis Ave. (temp. location) 708-754-3395. The Village Hall provides services for residents including water collection, building permits and licenses, voter registration and notary service. Please contact the Village Administrator at 708-754-3395 with any questions you may have.
Community Organizations
American Legion
Kiwanis Club & Key Club
Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Steger Community Girls Softball
Steger Little League & T-Ball
Steger Wildcat Basketball, Football & Cheerleading
Steger Volleyball
Louis Sherman Community Center, 3501 Hopkins Ave., 708-709-0288. Registration for all sports are taken at the Community Center as well as a variety of many other activites.
A complete list of all Village Committees & Boards and Businesses, can be found under Village Hall in the main navigation.